JetBrains ships alternative to Microsoft’s Visual Studio

Rider can be used on Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems

JetBrains ships alternative to Microsoft’s Visual Studio

JetBrains’s Rider, a cross-platform IDE that could serve as a rival to Microsoft’s own well-established Visual Studio IDE, is now generally available.

The commercially licensed Rider can be used on Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems, letting developers build applications based on ASP.Net, .Net Core, .Net Framework, Xamarin, or Unity. Rider puts JetBrains’ ReSharper .Net support in the shell of the company’s IntelliJ Idea IDE and adds the WebStorm JavaScript IDE and DataGrip database management tool. ReSharper previously was packaged as a Visual Studio extension for code analysis and instant fixes.

Rider supports C#, VB.Net, F#, JavaScript, and TypeScript. It also supports ASP.Net’s Razor syntax as well as XAML, HTML, CSS, SCSS, LESS, JSON, and SQL. Capabilities include live code inspection, automated quick fixes, refactoring, and a unit tester.

A later release should add support for the MSTest testing tool as well as the planned 2.0 version of Microsoft’s .Net Core cross-platform implementation. An SDK will be released as well.

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