Puppet to add continuous delivery for infrastructure code

The add-on to Puppet Enterprise enables continuous delivery for infrastructure code itself

Puppet to add continuous delivery for infrastructure code
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Devops software maker Puppet is readying a continuous delivery application for infrastructure along with upgrading its enterprise devops platform.

Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise, due in June 2018, is intended to simplify continuous delivery and integration for infrastructure code while unifying silos across devs and ops teams. It will work with infrastructure managed with the company’s Puppet Enterprise platform.

Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise's capabilities include:

  • Visually building CD pipelines for infrastructure code and promoting that code across environments based on designated workflows.
  • Automating how changes are built and tested to control repos and modules.
  • Providing visibility into changes with activity histories and audit trails.
  • Staggering of deployments and execution of rolling updates across infrastructure, for controlling change deployments.
  • Visualization of module dependencies across infrastructure, to identify potential issues.

The product differs from the company's Puppet Pipelines products, which also address continuous delivery. While Puppet Pipelines provides continuous delivery and release automation for deploying applications or containers, Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise enables continuous delivery for infrastructure code itself.

Separately, the Version 2018.1 release of Puppet Enterprise, for infrastructure management and software delivery, is due in early May 2018. Its new capabiltiies include:

  • Fine-grained role-based access control.
  • A console intended to be more user-friendly and faster.
  • A resource API to make it easier for developers to build custom types and providers, enabling agentless operations.

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