Node.js Foundation to shepherd Express Web framework

The minimalist Web framework has had more than 53 million downloads, and now the foundation wants to ensure its continued viability through open governance

The Node.js Foundation, which has jurisdiction over the popular server-side JavaScript platform, is adding the Express MVC Web framework for Node.js as an incubation project, to ensure its continued viability.

Express, or Expressjs, is a minimalist Web framework for developing Web and mobile applications. Incubation status means the project will receive mentoring and open source governance from the foundation, a representative said.  

"The end goal here is to maintain stability," foundation representative Zibby Keaton said in an email. "Through open governance, the Node.js Foundation wants more contributors to become a part of the project and ensure that this framework is around for a long time. There will be two mentors that will help guide the project to ensure that this happens."

Some constituent modules of the framework also are included as part of the incubation project. An Express Technical Committee will be formed, composed of contributors who will determine the road map for Express going forward, Keaton said.

Express has been downloaded more than 53 million times in the past two years, according to the foundation. "With 5 million package downloads in the last month, the stability of this project, [which] will get a huge boost through open governance, is very important to the efforts of the Node.js Foundation in supporting Node.js as a technology and developer ecosystem," said Rod Vagg, technical steering committee director at the foundation, in a statement.

IBM is contributing assets related to Express to the foundation. The Node.js Foundation Incubation Program was launched last year, and it has one other project under it -- the Libuv software library for asynchronous event notification.

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