NSFW: John Oliver wants Apple to come clean

While the comedian gets in plenty of great jokes (sorry, BlackBerry), the subject is no laughing matter

Everybody's done their hot takes, double-takes, and spit-takes over Apple's conflict with the FBI over the San Bernardino shooter's iPhone. But leave it to John Oliver to dish out the best (NSFW) take.

The above video runs down the key points of the debate, from FBI director James Comey's complaint that "the law has not kept pace with technology" to Apple's stance that the requested backdoor would set a dangerous precedent. It's a thorny debate with no easy answers to be found. "This is not simple," avers Oliver. "It's a hugely complicated story with massive implications, and once we get to the end of it, you may not feel the same way that you do now."

There is no shortage of opinion and commentary on this legal fight, but once again, "Last Week Tonight" comes through with the analysis we need.

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