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Microsoft re-releases KB 3035583 Get Windows 10 installer — again

news analysis
Mar 24, 20163 mins
MicrosoftOperating SystemsPatch Management Software

Version 11 of KB 3035583 rolled out the Automatic Update chute yesterday, but fortunately the usual first aid options still work

On Wednesday afternoon Microsoft once again rolled KB 3035583 out the Automatic Update chute. If you’re running a Windows 7 or 8.1 PC that isn’t behind an update server, you received one of two notifications:

  • Those who have Windows Update’s “Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates” box checked will see KB 3035583 as an Optional update, checked.
  • Those who have Windows Update’s “Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates” box unchecked will see KB 3035583 as an Optional, unchecked but italicized update.

If you had KB 3035583 hidden, it is now unhidden. Such are the ways of Windows Update.

In addition, if you have Automatic Update enabled — “Install updates automatically (recommended)” — and the KB 3035583 entry was checked, chances are good that KB 3035583 ran overnight. You (or someone you know) may now have the Get Windows 10 icon sitting in the system tray and may have been given the opportunity to avail yourselves of the free Windows 10 upgrade. Raise your hand if you’ve heard that one before.

The Knowledge Base article hasn’t changed, except to say it’s now at Version 11.

Those who have been following this saga since KB 3035583 first appeared almost a year ago know that I strongly recommend you turn Automatic Update to “Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them” and uncheck the box marked “Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates.” That advice stands.

If you’ve run GWX Control Panel in the past and used it to “Prevent Windows 10 Upgrades,” your system isn’t on a collision course with Windows 10. If you have GWX Control Panel running in Monitor Mode, there’s no need to run it again. If you don’t have GWX Control Panel in Monitor Mode, you should run GWX Control Panel once again to make sure everything’s scraped off.

If you or someone you know has inadvertently been upgraded to Windows 10, there are several first aid options.

On the good news front — yes, there is good news — Microsoft appears to be adhering to its promised use of the DisableOSUpgrade registry entry to block the Windows 10 upgrade. That’s why GWX Control Panel (and the Group Policy setting) still work. Also, the upgrade process is preceded by the combined “Great, we’ll get the upgrade started” and EULA acceptance dialog shown here.

While that’s not exactly full disclosure (accept the EULA and Windows 10 gets installed), it’s a far cry from the situation a couple of weeks ago, as political commentator Thom Hartmann can attest.

Microsoft’s still pushing hard to hit that 1 billion Windows 10 users mark. But I wonder at this point if the company isn’t scaring off more upgraders than it’s enabling.


Woody Leonhard is a columnist at Computerworld and author of dozens of Windows books, including "Windows 10 All-in-One for Dummies." Get the latest on and vent your spleen about Windows at