Microsoft is not giving up on Universal Windows Platform

Despite lukewarm developer interest, the Microsoft Build schedule indicates Microsoft plans to double down on Universal Windows Platform

Microsoft is not giving up on Universal Windows Platform

Developers this week will hear a lot about Microsoft’s Universal Windows Platform (UWP) for building Windows apps that run across all types of devices, according to a newly released session list for Microsoft’s annual Build conference.

First introduced with Windows 8 as Windows Runtime, UWP is a key feature in Windows 10, enabling development with one API set for PCs, tablets, phones, and other form factors. Presentations will cover aspects such as the UWP App Model and adaptive UI. In one session, Andrew Clinick, group program manager on the Windows Phone team, will introduce app model capabilities ranging from app deployment improvements to capabilities to drive app engagement on devices.

In adaptive UI, Build will feature a presentation on building an interface for a XAML and C# UWP app. Another session covers Project Centennial, for porting existing desktop applications to UWP.  "Enabling existing desktop applications (Win32, .Net, etc.) to become part of the UWP ecosystem is a key part of the Windows 10 vision,” the session description proclaims.

UWP for connected mobile experiences and the cloud will also be discussed. Developers can get up to speed on building UWP 2D apps for HoloLens. According to a session description, all apps built for HoloLens run on UWP, and all UWP apps built for phone and desktop will work on HoloLens, too. 

Cross-platform development and Microsoft’s newly acquired Xamarin technology will get an airing as well. A panel session will feature mobile developers from Xamarin, Cordova, Unity, and C++ comparing these different technologies. ASP.Net Core, a cross-platform framework for building Web apps via .Net, will be detailed as well.

IoT will be covered in respect to Microsoft’s Azure cloud. Another session on Windows 10 IoT Core will feature details on leveraging Windows and devices based on hardware such as Raspberry Pi 3.

Also at Build, attendees can hear about Microsoft’s TypeScript and its use at Google, where it's been put to work in the Angular JavaScript framework. The future of C# will be covered, as will Microsoft’s vision for identity management. All in all, this year's Microsoft Build promises to cover more new dev technology -- and a broader range of platforms -- than any Build ever.

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