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Mystery solved: KB 3150513 is another Windows 10 update-enabling patch

news analysis
May 04, 20162 mins
MicrosoftOperating SystemsPatch Management Software

Released by Microsoft without documentation, it's safe to hide this patch if you don't want Windows 10 or its related updates

There are reports this morning about a new patch, KB 3150513, appearing on Windows 8.1 systems — and probably lurking on Windows 10 systems, too.

Microsoft has not posted a KB article, and there’s no notification about the patch in the official Windows Update list. Sound familiar?

Fortunately, poster PeterBisco on the Microsoft Answers forum, has an explanation (originally posted on the Polish forum):

I have made a look into Windows8.1 version of this update and found this:

This update doesn’t contain binary code. It just contains new data for AppRaiser (Windows 10 Compatibility tool). It contains files as:

  •  hwcompat_th1.txt
  •  hwcompat_th2.txt
  •  hwexclude_rs1.txt
  •  hwexclude_th1.txt
  •  hwexclude_th2.txt
  •  wucompat.txt
  •  appraiser.sdb
  •  hwcompat_rs1.txt
  •  appraiser_data.ini
  •  appraiser_telemetryrunlist.xml

 So if you want to upgrade to Windows 10, and you have all the Windows 10 related updates installed (e.g. KB3035583, KB2952664, etc.) then you are safe to install this patch. If you don’t want Windows 10 or its related updates and you have hide them, you can hide this one as well, if you wish.

AppRaiser is the Windows 10 compatibility appraiser, which you can download and run manually. It’s the program that’s supposed to tell you if you’re running any software or have any hardware that will mess with the Windows 10 upgrade.

Hiding this patch sounds like good advice to me.


Woody Leonhard is a columnist at Computerworld and author of dozens of Windows books, including "Windows 10 All-in-One for Dummies." Get the latest on and vent your spleen about Windows at