Apple partners with SAP in new enterprise push

Native iOS apps and a HANA SDK are on the way

Apple has stepped up its efforts to target enterprise customers through a new partnership with SAP.

The companies will deliver native apps for the iPhone and iPad that tap SAP's HANA in-memory computing platform, as well as a new iOS software development kit.

As part of the deal, SAP will develop native iOS apps using Apple's Swift programming language. An app might enable a field maintenance worker to order parts or schedule service, for example; another might allow a doctor to share the latest patient data with other health care workers.

That app partnership is similar to what Apple got IBM to agree to do more than a year ago.

The new HANA Cloud Platform SDK for iOS will give developers a way to build their own apps that tap core data and business processes on SAP's S/4HANA platform while taking advantage of iPhone and iPad features like Touch ID, location services, and notifications.

A new design language will combine SAP's Fiori user interface with the iOS experience, the companies said.

SAP boasts a global community of 2.5 million developers, and a new SAP Academy for iOS will offer them tools and training.

The SDK, design language and academy will begin rolling out before the end of the year, SAP said.

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