by Mitch Betts

IDC report: Streamline those ancient RFP templates

Jun 17, 2016
CIOIT Leadership

Antiquated RFP templates and overly complicated RFP processes aren’t meeting the needs of today’s digital enterprises, according to an IDC report for IT buyers. To learn more about IDC's recommendations for improving RFPs, download the free report today.

Many enterprise IT buyers are using RFP templates that are too old and unwieldy for today’s fast-paced digital transformations, according to an IDC report.

The report, written by IDC analyst Aaron Polikaitis, urges IT organizations to use an updated and streamlined RFP process. “The use of outdated templates leads to inefficient processes and [unnecessarily] lengthy procurement timelines,” IDC says.

IDC proposes an “RFP Decision Platform” model that is geared to today’s digital economy rather than yesterday’s government contracts. The report also answers the questions:

  • When is an RFP warranted?
  • What are the critical pitfalls in the RFP process?
  • How do you construct a modern RFP?

Register now to download this free IDC report.

Many enterprise IT buyers are using RFP templates that are too old and unwieldy for today’s fast-paced digital transformations, according to an IDC report.

The report, written by IDC analyst Aaron Polikaitis, urges IT organizations to use an updated and streamlined RFP process. “The use of outdated templates leads to inefficient processes and [unnecessarily] lengthy procurement timelines,” IDC says.

IDC proposes an “RFP Decision Platform” model that is geared to today’s digital economy rather than yesterday’s government contracts. The report also answers the questions:

  • When is an RFP warranted?
  • What are the critical pitfalls in the RFP process?
  • How do you construct a modern RFP?

Click the link below to download the free report.

More from IDC:

  • The vendors that got you here may not get you there This procurement report recommends that, over the next six months, IT pros should formally assess and rate each IT vendor’s capabilities to handle social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies.
  • IDC’s guide to avoiding vendor lock-in Decisions to implement competing technologies in parallel with each other may help create leverage points for the enterprise that help combat the control points set by the vendors,” says IDC