Docker, microservices will loom large at JavaOne

Oracle's upcoming conference promises to home in on newer uses of Java along with base platform technologies

Don't count out Java when it comes to fitting in with the latest computing paradigms. Oracle and other Java proponents are looking to keep the 21-year-old platform current by working with technologies like Docker containers, microservices, and the internet of things (IoT).

These technologies and a multitude of others, including JavaScript and modular Java, are noted in the session list for the upcoming JavaOne conference, the annual Java technical event being held in San Francisco beginning Sept. 18.

The session list serves as a gauge of priorities for the popular enterprise computing platform and language. Also at the event, Oracle is expected to roll out retooled plans to better equip enterprise Java for cloud computing and microservices. The move comes amid community concerns that Java EE's development has stalled.

Docker containerization continues to command attention from Java advocates as well. Heroku is slated to present on how to use Docker to replicate an application architecture in a session on parity between development and production environments. Couchbase's Arun Gupta, a longtime proponent of Java, will present on Docker support in Java IDEs, including NetBeans, Java, and IntelliJ. He also will discuss building a private CI/CD pipeline on the Oracle Cloud platform with Java and Docker.

Google, meanwhile, will address deployment of Java applications and services at scale using Docker and the Kubernetes container orchestration, while CloudBees will discuss a Docker platform featuring Jenkins continuous integration.

Oracle recently announced intentions to make microservices accommodations in the JVM, and microservices will get a hearing at JavaOne, with Red Hat presenting on Java EE 7 and secured microservices using the Wildfly Swarm Java packager and other technologies. ClassPass, meanwhile, will provide an introduction to microservices in Java, and Tibco will talk about cloud-native microservices, featuring container solutions like Docker. IBM plans to discuss Java EE microservices in situations ranging from the Raspberry Pi board to the cloud.

For IoT, Oracle will give a presentation on designing a lightweight Java-powered gateway architecture. The company will also discuss IoT and Java ME (Micro Edition) as it relates to the Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service. The Eclipse Foundation, meanwhile, will tackle IoT from an open source perspective.

Oracle will cover modularization planned for Java 9, which is due next March; Java EE, the troubled server-side version of the platform, will be explored as well. Dassault Systems will give a presentation on conducting builds via Gradle, and Payara Systems will cover baking reactive behavior into EE applications. A Java developer at Tomitribe will talk about developing applications using both Java EE 7 and Java SE 8.

Java's coexistence with JavaScript also gets a nod. IBM will present on emerging Web app architectures with the Node.js server-side JavaScript platform and Java. The session will cover architectures bringing together the Web scale and browser experience characteristics of Node with the transactional characteristics of Java. For its part, Oracle will cover monitoring Web systems that have JavaScript UI logic coupled with Java on the server in a discussion on Oracle Application Performance Monitoring Cloud Service.

Another JavaScript technology, the Angular framework, will be the subject of a presentation by LTE Consulting about building Angular 2 applications with Java 8 via the Angular2Boot framework.

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