Oracle’s cloud adds PHP now, Ruby later

The company is introducing a spate of cloud-related services for APIs, NoSQL, and IaaS

Oracle is adding PHP development to its cloud platform, with plans to add other languages, including Ruby. Support for Oracle's open source MySQL database will be added as well.

The Oracle Application Container Cloud service for building and scaling apps in the cloud is adding PHP support, including the PHP native runtime. Ruby is expected to be added in three to four months. The service also supports Java and Node.js.

Oracle is not the first to support PHP development in its cloud: Google already has done so on its Google App Engine cloud platform. But Siddhartha Agarwal, vice president of product management and strategy for Oracle Cloud Platform, emphasized the Oracle cloud's Java capabilities, which can be paired with PHP. "The thing is that they might want to be writing applications that are [working with] Java EE-based apps," he noted.

Additionally, MySQL databases now can be spun up on Oracle's Cloud Platform via MySQL Cloud Service. Developers can use the database without having to provision and patch it themselves.

Oracle is introducing cloud services for NoSQL, supporting key value database capabilities, so that developers can run databases like Cassandra or MongoDB. The Exadata Express Cloud Service provides access to the Oracle Exadata database machine, while the Oracle API Cloud Service, meanwhile, is being launched for developing and managing APIs, with an emphasis on microservices environments.

For IaaS, Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Services provides bare-metal cloud servers in a virtualized environment. "You can bring up compute [services] in the public cloud, where [with] that compute you can install any kind of operating system on it [and] you can put any kind of virtualization on it," said Agarwal. The service has no predetermined notions of the hypervisor or software installed.

Finally, the company also is unveiling Ravello Cloud Service, for running VMware and Kernel-base Virtual Machine workloads in the public cloud. VMware runs natively without requiring VM conversion.

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