Microsoft previews coming improvements in .Net

C#, Visual Basic, and F# will get attention in a coordinated effort across Microsoft's development platform

Microsoft previews coming improvements in .Net
Mikey (CC BY 2.0)

Microsoft's .Net languages are getting improvements ranging from data flow to better tools for C#, Visual Basic, and F#.

For C# 7.0, Microsoft reiterated its previously announced plans for tuples and pattern-matching, to streamline the flow of data and control in code.

Visual Basic will target the .Net Standard library to aid cross-platform .Net Core development. In the upcoming Visual Studio 2017, Visual Basic will support producing and consuming tuples and consuming ref-returning methods defined in referenced libraries.

F#, Microsoft's functional-first language, will have fewer roadblocks for contributions and have fewer operational differences in .Net with C# and Visual Basic. Also, as new language features appear in C#, Microsoft will ensure that they interoperate well with F#.

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