Get paid! 10 programming languages to learn in 2017

While earning ability shouldn't be the motivation for learning a new language, it can help in making career decisions

Get paid! 10 programming languages to learn in 2017

Programmer should constantly upgrade their skills according to the market demand, be it learning a new language, tool, or library, or improving an existing one.

However, there are other factors that facilitate the decision to pick up a new programming language, including the project specification, team needs, and future viability. On the other side, many programmers want to learn a programming language that gives them the best future opportunity to earn more.

Taking the right decision

It should be noted that picking a programming language solely on its monetary benefit isn't a good idea. In the end, you have to spend time working and improving on that particular programming language.

The decision to pick a particular programming language also depends on the field you are working on. If you're a data scientist, you should look out for programming languages such as Python, C, C++ and not JavaScript. So, choose wisely and take multiple factors into consideration before jumping on a programming language.

What does the internet say?

Numbers play a crucial role when making a decision. There are many studies you can find on the internet about the best programming languages, including Tiobe index, GitHut, and

They offer a different perspective on the popularity of programming languages. For example, GitHut lists the best programming languages according to the number of repositories on GitHub, while, a live learning platform, gets its data from the streamers who uses different programming language.

But in terms of earning potential, these are the top 10 languages, based on annual salary information from and

1. Java

Java is a popular enterprise-level programming language that was created by James Gosling in 1995. It has since became a popular programming language to create enterprise-level apps and is heavily used on Android platform. It's also used extensively in teaching newbies computing or programming in general, and it's widely used for creating and managing cloud platforms.

Average Salary: $102,000

2. JavaScript

JavaScript is the language of the web. In fact, Brendan Eich designed it in 1995 to improve the state of the web. But it's still one of the leading programming languages in 2017, and with a lot of growth, JavaScript can now be used for different purposes, including server side development. 

If you're a front-end programmer, you need to pick up JavaScript without any second thought. The community is growing by the day, and new frameworks, libraries, and tools are released continually to support its growth.

Average Salary: $95,000

3. Python

Python is a modern programming language that was designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It's a high-level, general-purpose programming language that's extremely popular in the scientific field. Data scientists should pick up the language for their work. Other than data science field, Python is extensively used in web development, thanks to the Django web framework, and it's used as an introductory programming language due to its simplicity and ease of use.

The Python community is also strong. Multiple frameworks, tools, and libraries are readily available for different purposes, including data science, web development, and app development.

Average Salary: $100,000

4. C++

Bjarne Stroustrup designed C++ in 1983 to improve the C programming language, and he completely succeeded in doing so. C++ is extremely popular in system-oriented development projects, and it's heavily used in game development and animation. Big companies use C++ constantly to improve the state of their system and make it more efficient.

C++ is a must-learn programming language for a programmer who is dealing with system-level development. With over three decades in the market, it has only grown. C++ is hard to learn, but rigorous practice does help. C++ is also an excellent way to learn computing or programming.

Average Salary: $100,000

5. Ruby

Yukihiro Matsumoto designed Ruby in 1995. It is a high-level language and is extensively used in rapid development. Its popularity is due to its simplicity and ability to create sophisticated high-performance web applications. Ruby on Rails, a popular Ruby web framework also improves its state.

Ruby is a prominent programming language in the market. Community support is impressive, and you will find enough tutorials, tools, libraries, etc. to get your job done.

Average Salary: $100,000

6. C

C was designed by Dennis Ritchie and is the first proper programming language that offered all the tools to create complex applications. It's heavily used in kernel and OS development -- if you're using Windows, Linux, or Mac, C is working under the hood. C is also used as a starting language to teach programming in many colleges and online courses.

Average Salary: $100,000

7. Swift

Swift is the new kid on the block. It's the successor of Objective-C to improve the state of development for iOS, and it was designed by Chris Lattner in collaboration with Apple. In 2 years, it has become a high-demand programming language in the market. Objective-C developers are slowly focusing on Swift as it gives them more value in the market.

Anyone who is serious about iOS development should learn Swift programming language. Also, it is not mandatory to learn Swift as there are many legacy application which is using Objective-C. However, if you are serious about iOS development, it's good to learn Swift.

Average Salary: $95,000

8. C#

C# stands in similar position to Java programming language, but it's closely associated with Microsoft. It's a high-level, object-oriented programming language that offers modern paradigms for rapid development, so if you're serious about developing Microsoft related apps, you need to pick up C#. It can also be used in developing web applications or developing games, and it's crucial for the development of popular game engines, such as Unity.

Average Salary: $94,000

9. Assembly

Assembly language was first introduced in 1949 and is primarily used to code chips. Any hardware that you're using right now uses Assembly language at its core. Learning and mastering Assembly language can be a challenge. Due to less number of professionals and its high-skill cap, Assembly language is one of the hugely paid programming languages.

Average Salary: $90,000

10. PHP

PHP is also considered the language of the web. The journey started in 1995 when a Danish programmer, Rasmus Lerdorf, designed PHP. It's used extensively in web development in conjunction with other programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it's easy to learn and has a vibrant ecosystem.

With more than 82 percent of the web created with PHP, there is no reason not to learn it. But PHP is also the number one language when it comes to criticism. Many enthusiasts think that PHP will die in the near future due to its poor design. You can read this intriguing article, "Is PHP dead?" to learn more about the current state of PHP.

Average Salary: $75,000

Clearly, the choice of a programming language depends on your sub-field, demand and the project you are planning to work on. Don't pick a programming language solely on its market value; have a genuine interest in what you're learning, and the odds of succeeding will increase drastically.

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