The 20 most popular programming languages in 2017

Also in today’s open source roundup: The Nintendo Switch runs FreeBSD, and Zorin OS 12.1 reviewed by LinuxInsider

20 most popular programming languages in 2017

Developers have been blessed with a variety of programming languages to choose from over the years. But which ones are currently the most popular with developers?

The Tiobe site has a helpful list of the most popular programming languages in 2017:

The Tiobe Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings.

It is important to note that the Tiobe index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

20. Scratch

19. Objective-C

18. PL/SQL


16. Visual Basic

15. R

14. Go

13. Assembly language

12. Swift

11. Ruby

10. Perl

9. Delphi/Object Pascal

8. Visual Basic .NET

7. JavaScript

6. PHP

5. Python

4. C#

3. C++

2. C

1. Java

More at Tiobe

Nintendo Switch runs FreeBSD

Nintendo’s Switch is the company’s latest and greatest video game console. The Switch converts instantly from a home console connected to your TV to a portable gaming machine that you can take anywhere with you.

According to a post on Twitter, the Nintendo Switch actually runs FreeBSD as its operating system.

The news that the Nintendo Switch is running FreeBSD caught the attention of redditors and they shared their thoughts about it in the Nintendo Switch subreddit:

Bizitmap: “While this won't matter much at all to end users really, it's still kinda neat. BSD is super-stable, a small kernel (beneficial for mobile and limited-resource embedded systems), and has excellent networking features baked in.

Feature-wise it's pretty comparable to Linux, but unlike with the Linux licence if Nintendo changes BSD code they're under no requirement to share or publish it, so they can keep their secret formula secret.

The PS4 also runs BSD, and Mac OS X and iOS are based on Darwin, which is a BSD fork. That probably won't make ports easier (or harder) but if anyone's going "I've never heard of this" well you've probably already used it!”

Marca311: “This is exciting since it means that after root is achieved, it's a mostly-known system powering the backend.

This could possibly turn out better than PS4 hacking due to the higher amount of known hardware inside the system with the tegra chip. The switch just seems to be a specialized *NIX-based ARM tablet. Sweet.”

Cmol: “But why oh why if it's build on freeBSD does it not support WPA2-enterprise? :( I'm mostly a Linux person but doesn't freeBSD have some sort of wpa_supplicant like tool natively?

When that's said, working off of a UNIX like freeBSD seems like a good solution and the console feels rock solid for now!”

Esquilax: “Looks like it's just the kernel, which doesn't involve stuff like that.”

Canhazadhd: “The Wii and Wii U had a custom, closed-source operating system. Good to see that they're using a tried and true OS. It doesn't make a difference for ports, but third party apps like Netflix and other streaming services will have a MUCH easier time being written for the system.”

Dial595Escape: “FreeBSD is a BSD fork. If they have the FreeBSD license in their docs, it means that they use a (modified) FreeBSD kernel.

It make a lot of sense to use an unix for their portable OS. It's free, efficient and secure, while speeding up the development time.”

Rockyrakster: “Get me a terminal app Nintendo, I can measure perf and clocks myself :)”

MarJason005: “When/If this gets hacked, I'll have a muuuuuuuch easier time installing homebrew and the such. I remember dealing with the 3DS' foreign-to-me system, but with the switch it will be a just a *nix environment, and, since I run a couple of ubuntu servers, I'll be able to know what I'm doing.”

Valliantstorme: “Well, with a partnership between nVidia and Nintendo, and what seems to be Nintendo handing over control to younger, more recent developers, it's no surprise that Nintendo would go for something open source like FreeBSD.”

Shiroi_Kage: “FreeBSD is rock-solid at this point, but it's also familiar. I wonder if we're going to see home brew software and whatnot running on it soon. Emulators would be amazing on this system to be honest.”

More at Reddit

Zorin OS 12.1 reviewed by LinuxInsider

Zorin OS is one of the lesser known but still quite good Linux distributions. Version 12.1 was recently released and a writer at LinuxInsider has a full review.

Jack M. Germain reports for LinuxInsider:

Zorin OS developers on Tuesday released Version 12.1, offering Linux users a patchwork of software and hardware updates with some performance enhancements and bug fixes.

I am impressed with the Zorin OS 12.1 release. Zorin OS is not the same old GNOME distro retread. It has a well integrated and tweaked user interface that justifies the developer's moniker of "Zorin Desktop 2."

Zorin OS 12.1 is an ideal choice for large deployments in businesses, governments, schools and organizations. A key reason for its business and government suitability is the new release schedule. Major releases of Zorin OS happen only once every two years. Minor updates like version 12.1 come every few months as needed.

Users will be spared major disruptions without feeling that their operating system is aging or abandoned. The result is an efficient and healthy balance.

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