Putting IoT to work: 5 real-world examples

Five case studies showing how companies are benefiting from the internet of things

working iot

Part of the challenge of leveraging the internet of things is recognizing what is possible. Given the grand pronouncements to date, the temptation is to chalk it all up to hype (isn’t everything networked already?) and go about your business.

But that would be a mistake.

Some companies are already recognizing business benefits from IoT. And the projects don’t have to boil the ocean and take years to implement. Experience has shown that you can get up and running fast and recognize real payback. That said, some companies are taking a big picture look and baking IoT in to their long-term strategic plans.

Network World has spoken to organizations large and small that are embracing IoT and compiles in this downloadable PDF examples that may help spark ideas for your company.

Network World's PDF compiles five case studies of how the internet of things is being put to good use.

This story, "Putting IoT to work: 5 real-world examples" was originally published by Network World.

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