Linux: 5 best desktop distributions

Also in today’s open source roundup: 10 reasons you should try Linux, and DistroWatch reviews Maui Linux

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Linux: 5 best desktop distributions

Linux offers an amazing range of desktop distributions that will meet the computing needs of just about any user. But the sheer number of distributions can often be confusing to newbies, who sometimes have no idea where to start.

A writer at PC Advisor has a helpful list of the 5 best Linux distributions for the desktop.

Mark Pickavance reports for PC Advisor:

There are so many different versions of Linux available, it can be hard to decide which one that’s right for you. So we’ve picked five that you should try first, as it’s likely that at least one of them will fit your Linux needs precisely.

They're all free of course, so try them all.


Linux Mint

openSUSE Tumbleweed


Remix OS

More at PC Advisor

10 reasons you should try Linux

Linux has much to offer any computer user, but not everybody is aware of its virtues. Some folks still haven’t tried Linux and might not know about the advantages it offers over Windows or macOS.

A writer at Laptop Ninja has a helpful list of 10 reasons why it’s worth it to try Linux.

Matt reports for Laptop Ninja:

I know despite the posts about how great Linux is and why I like it, many of you are probably still hesitant to try Linux. I understand. I remember years ago when I first heard about it, even I was slow to try it at first. After all, Windows just worked. Everything I needed Windows would do, so why bother trying something else that may or may not work for me. Of course, back then, Linux was quite different from what it is today.

…it relies on people like me to drill it into your heads about how great it is and why you should try it. So today, I wanted to give you ten reasons you should try Linux today so you can begin your journey towards free computing and a life of not having to answer to Microsoft or Apple for your computer needs. Shall we get started?

1. It’s free

2. Better security

3. Great for older systems

4. Perfect for new systems too

5. Drivers included

6. Amazing software repositories

7. Easy updating process

8. Beautiful interface

9. Community support

10. Gaming continues to improve

More at Laptop Ninja

DistroWatch reviews Maui Linux

Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on the planet, so why not name a Linux distribution after one of Hawaii’s most popular destinations? That’s exactly what happened with Maui Linux, a desktop distro that might work well for newcomers to Linux.

Jesse Smith reports for DistroWatch:

On the whole I enjoyed using Maui, more than I had expected. There was not any one feature or program which really stood out as amazing, but I liked the overall style of the distribution. Maui provides a lot of software and features out of the box, offers a stable core based on an Ubuntu LTS release and includes cutting edge KDE Plasma software. I like that the application menu is full of useful software while avoiding overlap in functionality. I also appreciate how easy it is to use the Calamares installer and how quickly Calamares sets up the operating system. Mostly, I like that the distribution provides distinct windows, large fonts and a high-contrast theme which I found easy to look at over longer periods.

I ran into just two issues or concerns while using Maui. One was the performance of the desktop with its default settings in the virtual test environment. Maui performed well on my desktop computer, but Plasma was slow to respond when running in VirtualBox. It is possible to improve performance by adjusting some items in the System Settings panel, but it would have been nice if the desktop had defaulted to more efficient settings.

My second issue was not a bug, but rather a matter of style. Maui has a friendly look, lots of simple configuration modules and, over all, a very modern and easy to use approach. Everything looks new and tasks are typically performed through slick, graphical wrappers. The one exception I found was Synaptic. The venerable package manager works well, but is a bit cryptic compared to most modern software managers. I like Synaptic for its speed and flexibility, but I think something like GNOME Software or mintInstall might be more in line with Maui's newcomer-friendly approach.

On the whole, I like Maui. The distribution is easy to set up, friendly and generally stayed out of my way while I was working. This seems like a fairly beginner friendly desktop distribution which does a good job of making things easy without distracting the user or doing too much hand holding.”

More at DistroWatch

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