Atlassian focuses on verification, integration in Bitbucket upgrade

Version 5.0 of the code management tool adds committer verification and tighter integration with the Bamboo continuous integration platform

Atlassian focuses on verification, integration in Bitbucket upgrade
Serenisik (CC0)

Emphasizing enterprise devops, Atlassian is focusing on automation enhancements this week to its code management and continuous integration platforms.

The 5.0 versions of Bitbucket Server and Data Center, Atlassian's Git code management tool, focus on compliance requirements with a committer verification capability. Only the author of a commit can push changes back to the central repository, and a log of code changes is kept for auditing purposes. Data Center is intended for datacenter deployments, with capabilities like high availability and clustering. Bitbucket Server is deployed on a single server.

Also, smart mirror authentication caching in Data Center 5.0 lets global teams maintain mirror access by caching authentication credentials locally in the event of short outages, Atlassian said. The Bitbucket upgrades are currently in a beta stage of release.

Version 6 of Bamboo, Atlassian's continuous integration platform, features Bamboo Specs, which allows Bamboo build plans to be configured as code. This gives developers more control over the development process, as they don't have to involve other teams or switch between their code and build systems. With configurations stored as code, changing build configurations no longer requires edits in the Bamboo user interface.

Atlassian also is tightening integration between Bitbucket Server, Bamboo, and the Jira Software Server project management tool. "In Bitbucket Server 5.0 we're adding repository level shortcuts allowing teams to connect a repository to any related asset, like a Jira project," said Atlassian's Amber Frauenholtz, Bitbucket Server product marketing manager. Bamboo integration with Bitbucket Server is being upgraded as well, and Bamboo now features in-progress build status and pull request aware builds, providing more control over the start of builds, with progress monitored in Bitbucket.

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