GitHub sets up a developer tools store, releases GraphQL API

The popular code repository is trying to be a one-stop shop for developers to get more of their work done

GitHub today unveiled its GitHub Marketplace, a store for developers to purchase development tools. The goal is to help developers find integrations and quickly use them.

For example, GitHub Marketplace supports more than a dozen integrators via a single account and payment method, so developers can worry less about managing accounts. Development apps range from continuous integration to project management and code review, including Travis CI, Appveyor, Waffle, ZenHub, Sentry, and Codacy.

GitHub also rolled out two other tools intended to ease software development: GraphQL API, for data access, and GItHub Apps, for process control.

GraphQL, which GitHub uses internally, had been in a beta release but now is in production release. The query language for APIs also provides a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. “Ask for the exact data you need in a single request and get updates in real time—no more hitting multiple endpoints or waiting for new ones after a feature has been released,” said Kyle Daigle, a GitHub senior engineering manager.

GitHub Apps is a renamed version of its Integrations service. It features granular API permissions, web hooks, and build bots to automate workflows.

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